Github like styles:

The largest heading

The second largest heading

The thrid heading

The fourth heading

The fifth heading
The smallest heading

this is the bold text

this text is italicized

This was misstaken text

this text is extremely important

In the words of Abraham Lincoln:

Pardon my French

Use git status to list all new or modified files that haven't yet been commited

Some basic Git commands are:

git status
git add
git commit

This site was built using Github Pages.

  1. James Madison
  2. James Monroe
  3. John Quincy Adams
  1. Make my changes
    1. Fix bug
    2. Improve formatting
      • Make the heading bigger
  2. Push my commits to Github
  3. Open a pull request
    • Describe my changes
    • Mention all the members of my team
      • Ask for feedbackk
key value desc
getFunc function get the property of the key
setFunc function set the property of the key